This book attempts the discussion of two veryimportant problems in primary education. First, theoral work in the handling of stories, and second, theintroduction to the art of reading in the earliestschool work. The very close relation between theoral work in stories and the exercises in reading inthe first three years in school is quite fully explained.The oral work in story-telling has gained a greatimportance in recent years, but has not receivedmuch discussion from writers of books on method.
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It seems well, therefore, to have in primaryschools two kinds of work in connection with storyand reading, the oral work in story-telling, reproduction,expression, etc., and the drill exercises in learningto read. The former will keep up a wide-awakeinterest in the best thought materials suitable forchildren, the latter will gradually acquaint them withthe necessary forms of written and printed language.Moreover, the interest aroused in the stories is constantlytransferring itself to the reading lessons andgiving greater spirit and vitality even to the primaryefforts at learning to read. In discussing the methodof primary reading we shall have occasion to mentionthe varied devices of games, activities, drawings,dramatic action, blackboard exercises, and picturework, by which an alert primary teacher puts lifeand motive into early reading work, but fully asimportant as all these things put together is thegrowing insight and appreciation for good stories.When a child makes the discovery, as Hugh Millersaid, "that learning to read is learning to get storiesout of books" he has struck the chord that shouldvibrate through all his future life. The real motivefor reading is to get something worth the effort ofreading. Even if it takes longer to accomplish theresult in this way, the result when accomplished isin all respects more valuable. But it is probable thatchildren will learn to read fully as soon who spenda good share of their time in oral story work.[Pg 9]
In natural science also, from the first year on theteacher must employ an oral method of treatment.The use of books is not only impossible, but evenafter the children have learned to read, it woulddefeat the main purpose of instruction to make booksthe chief means of study. The ability to observeand discern things, to use their own senses in discriminatingand comparing objects, in experimentsand investigations, is the fundamental purpose.
The oral method offers a better avenue for all vigorousmodes of expression than the reading book.It can be observed that the general tendency of thebook is toward a formal, expressionless style inyoung readers. Go into a class where the teacher ishandling a story orally and you will see her fallingnaturally into all forms of vivid narrative and presentation,gesture, facial expression, versatile intonation,blackboard sketching and picture work, theimpersonation of characters in dialogue, dramaticaction, and general liveliness of manner. The childrennaturally take up these same activities and modesof uttering themselves. Even without the suggestionof teachers, little children express themselves in suchactions, attitudes, and impersonations. This may beoften observed in little boys and girls of kindergartenage, when telling their experiences to older persons,or when playing among themselves. The freedom,activity, and vivacity of children is, indeed, in strongcontrast to the apathetic, expressionless, monotonousstyle of many grown people, including teachers.
We have several editions of the stories adaptedfrom the Bible for school use. In the Bible itselfthey are not found in the simple, connected form thatmakes them available for school use. One of thebest editions for school is that published by Houghton,Mifflin, & Co., called, "Old Testament Stories inScriptural Language." A free and somewhat originalrendering of the stories is given by Baldwin inhis "Old Stories of the East," published by theAmerican Book Co. Both of these books have beenextensively used in the schools of this country. Theoral treatment of the Bible stories in the schools hasnot been common in this country, but it has all themerits described by us in the chapter on oral instruction.In fourth and fifth grades these books mayserve well for exercises in reading.
Each school study is treated in a separate book,and the selection and arrangement of material, and the methodof instruction appropriate to that study throughout its course,are fully discussed. Illustrative lessons and extensive lists ofbooks of special value as helps to teachers and schools areincluded.
This book, as a whole, is designed to simplify, organize, and illustratethe chief principles of class-room method in elementary schools. A fewimportant fundamental principles are carefully worked out as a basis.The essential steps, in the acquisition of knowledge in all studies, areworked out and applied to different branches. The developing methodof instruction so much used in the oral treatment of lessons is workedout, and the method of careful and suitable questioning discussed.
This discusses in a comprehensive way the regular reading lessons,the choice of stories, poems, and longer masterpieces, adapted to theneeds of the various grades from the fourth to the eighth school yearinclusive; the value for school use of the best literature, includingcomplete masterpieces, both long and short; method in reading; andprinciples of class-room work. A descriptive list of more than fourhundred books forms the last chapter. The list has been carefullymade, and is designed to assist teachers and superintendents in selectingsuitable reading material for the successive grades.
This book contains a course of study in history with a full discussionof methods of treating topics. The value, selection, and arrangementof historical materials for each grade are discussed, and illustrativelessons given. The relation of history to geography, literature, andother studies is treated, and lists of books suitable for each year aresupplied.
The history of science teaching in elementary schools is given. Thebasis for selecting the topics for a course of study, and the method ofclass instruction suitable to object study, experimentation, etc., are fullydiscussed. The book contains, also, a carefully selected list of thebest books for the use of teachers and pupils. 2ff7e9595c